What we have to remember is that when we come across people who irritate us (Christian or non-Christian) God does not love them any less or any more than us.
When you are going through the storms of life does your attitude towards other people and God change?
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With God it's slightly different we decide we don't need to get up early today or indeed sometimes any day to pray and read the word before our day unfolds. Maybe I'll read the bible tomorrow or even next week!! I don't need to include God in all my plans just the ones I think are important. Sometimes we even convince ourselves that we are taking the higher moral ground in a given situation but have we asked the Author and Perfecter of our faith if this is true as He is the only one who can judge. Psalm 62:7 My salvation and my honour depend on God, He is my mighty Rock, my Refuge
I have been a Christian for 35 years and have come to the conclusion that if we pray every day for a discerning spirit and an extra portion of grace it particularly helps us to discern what is happening in the supernatural so that we don't blunder through situations in the natural that are not a true reflection of what is actually happening. Psalm 91:1-2 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust”.
The great example for me is in the book of Esther, when Haman set up a pole of 50 cubits high by his house to impale Mordecai on but despite all his boasting ended up being impaled on it himself. As if that wasn't punishment enough the King gave Queen Esther the estate of Haman and she appointed Mordecai over it. Haman wished to put to death all Mordecai's people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes but all he actually achieved was his own early demise and the loss of his inheritance for his family.
What we have to remember is that when we come across people who irritate us (Christian or non-Christian) God does not love them any less or any more than us. It says when we are lovely to the unlovely God credits it to us as righteousness I am sure this is because He realises exactly how difficult this is for us as human beings. So next time somebody behaves badly towards you come in the opposite spirit, the spirit of kindness and gentleness and see what peace floods your soul instead of frustration or bitterness. Psalm 37:5-6 Commit your way to the Lord trust in Him and he will do this. He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Amen.
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I pray for each person reading this blog that we would allow the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts in such a powerful way that all the things which are troubling us would become insignificant as we remember that absolutely nothing is a surprise to God it is us in our humanity that gets side swiped and clobbered. 1 John 2:28 And now dear children, continue in Him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at His coming.
I also pray that each one of us is transformed into the likeness of Jesus more and more every day.
God's peace and blessing.
May God bless and enrich your life
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