Saturday 11 May 2024

Jesus at the Centre of it All

I find that it is in my darkest times that God really reveals himself to me, through his amazing compassion, forgiveness and unfailing love, Amen.
I have always thought of myself as a work in progress in my walk with Jesus but if I am honest I believed I had a strong, intimate, relationship with Him and by that I mean I prayed every day, I read my bible, I went to bible study groups and I even fasted. That is until I met this awesome guy, we started dating and shortly after became a couple. I wholeheartedly know that God put him in my life as a blessing but in my human form I started to put him and our relationship before my relationship with God. I wanted to be with him all the time and without even realizing it, I was letting my prayer life slip, my bible readings became less and less and I stopped attending my mid-week meetings. Before I knew it I had fallen in love with him however in all of this and with hindsight I had to ask myself, where was Jesus?  Before meeting this man Jesus was my first love before anyone else. I loved no one more than Jesus but I realised sadly that this was no longer evident in my actions or my behaviour. The scripture that comes to mind as I write this is Revelation 2:4 ‘Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first’.

God had blessed me with this great guy so surely one would expect me to be praying and praising even more. Sadly, through my ignorance, I gave the devil a foothold and became disobedient to God. I very sadly admit that I put God on the back burner and put my love for this man ahead of my love for God. Through my sin the relationship was short lived and came to a very abrupt end.

I find that it is in my darkest times that God really reveals himself to me, through his amazing compassion, forgiveness and unfailing love, Amen. I now understand that all relationships must overcome obstacles and the only way for the relationships to be successful and blessed is to have God at the centre ALWAYS. This will help to ensure that the relationship will be covered and protected under God’s anointing when the two people have their hearts sold out for God, first and foremost.

God is SO amazing that as I surrendered myself to him and poured out my heart He CLEARLY spoke to me not once, not twice but FOUR times about the same thing and even sent a Godly counsel with a word confirming everything I had read, prayed and asked about. Then to top it off the next day at service four people gave words all confirming everything. What a blessing, how amazing is the Lord!  One of those blessings was the following prophetic Word given in service; ‘I want a people who are surrendered to me. My heart jumps for joy when I see my children obeying me in spirit and in truth. There is nothing I will withhold from you when you breakthrough in the areas that bind you and make you captives’ AMEN.

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The amazing thing is that through my loss I have gained so much. Jesus loves me and He forgives me of all of my sins even after I pushed him aside and put other priorities and people in front of him. Thanks to the mercy and grace of God’s love and teaching I know that any relationship with Jesus at the centre with two people equalled, yoked and focused on the most important thing (Jesus) will be wholly blessed. I am not saying that there will be no hard times but with two people having one focus there is nothing they can’t overcome.

Once I repented and surrendered to Jesus there was a huge transformation in my life and I experienced a peace that I never knew was possible.  Jesus NEVER lets me down.  In fact through surrendering and changing my focus I can have all the things I had and wanted but instead they will now be blessed. I must remain vigilant at all times and keep focused on Jesus; 2 Corinthians 2:11 ‘in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes’. In all things I hold onto the truth and no matter what I do God always loves me and He will never leave me even when I leave him. One of my favourite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, remember the Lord in all you do and he will make your paths straight’  Amen.

A life without Jesus at the centre is a life not worth living and not a life I chose to live. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your AMAZING love, forgiveness and understanding. I love you ALWAYS.

The beautiful words of the song I have chosen are ‘From my heart to the heavens Jesus be the centre, it's all about you’ Amen.

Author: Anonymous

May God bless and enrich your life

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Saturday 4 May 2024

God's promised blessing to Abram and to all who believe in Him

The good news is no matter how dark things look on the outside, today God can give you a fresh vision and a new future

Godly Ladies
Genesis 12:1-3: Now the Lord had said to Abram "Get out of your country from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you, and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth shall be blessed."

When God gives us a promise and vision He also adds blessing to them.  

Hebrews 11:8 Abraham did not know where he was going it simply was enough for him to know he went with God. He did not lean as much on the promises as he did on the promiser, and he did not look at the difficulties of his circumstances but looked to his king - the eternal, limitless, invisible, wise and only God who had reached down from His throne to direct his path and who would certainly prove himself.

Genesis 15:1-6 God given vision is the ability to see the invisible, without it people stumble all over themselves (Proverbs 29:18 where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint...) When God told Abram he would be the father of many nations he and Sarai were old and childless. Naturally speaking it looked impossible so God took Abram outside and said to him, look up into the sky and count the stars if you can, that's how many descendants you will have. It wasn't enough to hear what God said, Abram needed to see it in his mind's eye, and that goes for us as well. Although the promise wasn't fulfilled for twenty plus years, every night when Abram looked up at the heavens the stars were a constant reminder of God's faithfulness. American president Woodrow Wilson once said "No man that does not see visions will ever realise to accomplish any high hope or undertake any high enterprise". To give birth to something, you must first conceive it by seeing it through the eye of faith and burning the image on the canvas of your mind. Jesus said "If your eye is good your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad your whole body will be full of darkness". Matthew 6:22-23.

Legend has it when Michelangelo looked at a chunk of marble the owner told him it was worthless, but Michelangelo, said, it's priceless to me. There is an angel locked inside and I must set it free. What you see will change the direction of your life. Like a thermostat it dictates how high you rise or how low you fall. The good news is no matter how dark things look on the outside, today God can give you a fresh vision and a new future.

In Isaiah 43:19 (NKJ) Behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

1 Corinthians 2:16 Our life will manifest what we continually keep in front of us.  Paul says we have the mind of Christ and creativity and vison are part of the package.

Let the image of victory take hold and remind us of these scriptures truth.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Romans 8:37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquers through Christ who loved us.

2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

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Matthew 9:17 In bible times wine was stored in leather wine skins, but as they aged, they lost their flexibility. New wine always required new wineskins and just like you can't pour new wine into old wineskins God won't give us a new vision until we change the old images and attitudes we are carrying in our head/heart. God says I am doing a new thing now it springs up, do you not perceive it? He is ready to do something new/special in your life today if you are willing. Are you ready to change and seek His will, and His vision for your life?

Hebrews 6:15 Abraham was tested for a very long time, but he was richly rewarded the Lord tested him by delaying the fulfilment of His promise. Satan tested him through temptation, people tested him through their jealousy, distrust and opposition to him. Sarah tested him through worrisome, yet he patiently endured not questioning God's truthfulness and power or doubting God's faithfulness and love. Instead Abraham submitted to God's divine sovereignty and infinite wisdom.

Romans 4:20-24: He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was able to perform and therefore it was accounted to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but also for us it shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.

Author: Herbie Jean

May God bless and enrich your life

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