Sunday, 11 October 2015

The Reason for Truth

Under the old covenant, man, in general, could not look upon God or even be in the presence of God. God chose only a few to intercede on man’s behalf and even then only at specified times. Jesus came to bring the new covenant whereby all men at any time can go directly to God through Him.

The truth of God’s creation is not a concern under my control. I am simply subject to that truth. What matters to me is the pursuit of that truth.  In the text of theology, what is true is always true and what is false is always false.  Truth cannot change.  Prior to the coming of Jesus, the truth of all creation was given by God to certain men who were responsible for disseminating that truth.  They were most commonly referred to as prophets.  The Scriptures tell us in Hebrews that Jesus came to fulfill the law and to begin a new dispensation and reveal the last and complete truth to be given to man.  When He came, we were released from all the Leviticus laws, rituals, sacrifices, and services of the previous dispensation. We were given a new covenant (agreement between God and His people). Under the old covenant, man, in general, could not look upon God or even be in the presence of God. God chose only a few to intercede on man’s behalf and even then only at specified times.  Jesus came to bring the new covenant whereby all men at any time can go directly to God through Him.

The Bible says there is only one mediator now between God and man - Jesus (I Timothy 2:5).  The priesthood is no longer needed or wanted (Hebrews 9:18-19). Another person such as a priest or pastor acting as a mediator is not only not needed any longer, but is actually not wanted in light of the dispensation to come.  The Scripture says at the death of Jesus, the veil between man and the presence of God in the Holy of Holies (which only a priest could enter and only once a year) was ripped from top to bottom.  This is all very important because now Jesus is the ONLY mediator between God and man. NOW JESUS AND HIS TRUTH (the Scriptures) will be the source of all truth.

In the last dispensation, (the next dispensation to come), man and/or an organization will be part of the great deception.  The great deception will ultimately try to reenact the previous dispensation that, among other things, separated man from God through the priesthood or prophets. That is what Jesus came and died to release us from. Basically, the great deception will try to once again elevate man or an entity such as a church as God.  If that can be done, then man can choose to live by the standard he devises. Time and again we are rebuked by Scripture to test all things to the new covenant.  We are to test all human teachers, and yes, even the clergy.  Any lion can wear the cloak of a sheep and for a while appear to be a sheep. Therefore, truth and the basis of truth is very important. Jesus spoke in John 8:32 that the truth will set you free. This quote is misused by much of the Christian community as well as the secular community.  Study the text of this verse and you will see its correct meaning. The truth that the secular world has to offer does not set you free, but rather makes you captive to it and you are enslaved by it.  On the other hand, the truth of the Holy Father through Jesus Christ, who brought the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, does not enslave you, but rather, really sets you free.  Why do I seek truth? Because it sets me free and I want to be free.

My final resolve is this:  If Jesus is not who He said He was, then I do not have time for Him.  If He is who He said He was, I cannot live apart from Him. One of my favourite verses in the Old Testament is Proverbs 2: 1-6. ‘My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my command within you. So that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding’

Author: David Leatherman

May God bless and enrich your life

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Blessing of your writings, a real encouragement. Tina O'Neill
