Sunday, 22 December 2019


Because it will all start on CHRISTMAS DAY.

This question has a big bearing on what we celebrate as Christmas. The Scriptures say Jesus was with God in the beginning (John 1:2). Putting that in perspective, God the Father may have asked Jesus, “Are You ready for this?” Why would God the Father have asked that question? God the Father provided a way for man to live with man and God the Father in total harmony, but man disobeyed and perverted God’s plan of a harmonious co-existence. 

Because of man’s sin toward God the Father and His plan, God the Father provided a way for man to re-acquire a harmonious relationship with Himself. The price tag of that relationship was the shedding of BLOOD. (By the way, God set the standard of shedding blood for man’s sin in the Garden of Eden). God the Father decided to provide the redeeming blood through His son Jesus. After the decision was made to send Jesus to earth, my mind’s imagination can see God the Father asking Jesus, “ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?”

Are You ready to leave a perfect heaven to go to an imperfect world of selfish human beings?

Are You ready for your flesh to feel the pains of the flesh?

Are You ready for man to celebrate Your birth (at Christmas) and then celebrate Your death on the cross (at Easter)?

Are You ready to set the standards of righteousness as I, God the Father define them?

Are You ready to show by example how men can live in total harmony through unconditional giving and forgiving?

Are You ready to destroy religiosity used for power, pride and prestige?

 Are You ready to challenge the institution of the church – the church of that day which had evolved and manipulated and re-construed God’s perfect plan in order to serve their own organisation and personal interests? (By the way, Jesus is here to challenge the churches of today for doing the same).

Are You ready for Palm Sunday when You will be greatly praised and shortly after will be mocked and shamed by false accusations and lies?

Are You ready to be abandoned by Your disciples when you need them most?

Are You ready to stand trial and be sentenced to death for what You did not do?

Are You ready to be struck with whips, beaten with rods until Your flesh is so mutilated that You cannot be recognised as who You once were?

And are You ready to wear a crown of thorns?

Are You ready to be hung on the cross with nails through your hands and feet until you die?

Are You, THE KING OF ALL KINGS, ready to be mocked throughout the whole process?

It will start with Christmas day. Are You ready for that?

Are You ready for me to forsake You before You die because of the sin that will cast upon You?

Are You ready for the spear to be thrust into Your ribs so that the blood price will be paid forever to cover all of man’s past sins, present sins and future sins.

Are You ready to be buried in a tomb and in three days rise again?

Are You ready to destroy Satan’s power over man?

Are You ready to come back to me, God the Father, and prepare a place for those who believe in Me through You and are willing to live by the standards of righteousness that You established while You were on earth?

Are You ready to live with those who are in heaven?

“Jesus, are You ready for this”? 

Because it will all start on CHRISTMAS DAY

Christmas day is the day when man will celebrate Your birth. After that, all of these other events will follow. 
“Once again, Jesus, are You ready for this”?


Thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord Jesus for saying YES!!!!

Author: David Leatherman

May God bless and enrich your life

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  1. As we celebrate Christmas let us remember the choice that Jesus made for us. He was born to be lifted up, His Love for us knows no bounds. Thank You Jesus for saying YES!! Great blog. Be blessed.

  2. Thank you for the blog today God asking Jesus all this questions and the answer was yes.At this Christmas time are we ready to surrender all to him for what he done for us are we going to say yes to Jesus may the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all Amen
