May this Christmas be a time when we remember the greatest gift of all. A gift that never disappoints and one that constantly fills our hearts with joy and thanksgiving
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Certainly, disputes exist regarding the time of year of Jesus’ birth (the ‘when’ of His birth), however, the fact remains that He was born. This miraculous event, so significant, that it divides our history into two major epochs B.C. (Before Christ) or A.D. (Anno Domini ‘in the year of our Lord’, i.e. Christ) establishes, that at the centre of history stands the person of Jesus Christ. Even the more, dare I say, politically correct change to BCE (Before the Common (current) Era) and CE (Common (current) Era) and its supposed religious neutrality, what is it that makes, or explains the dividing line date? I leave that up to you to answer!
Many of us on Christmas morning are the recipients of a gift or two from loved ones. Over the years I am sure I am correct in saying some gifts have been enthusiastically and appreciatively received others perhaps less so. Some very desirous, practical and beneficial, others although aesthetically pleasing, their functionality and possible usefulness may be questioned. You all know the plethora of emotions you have felt over the years on receipt of gifts. Nonetheless the tradition of gift giving rests ultimately on the greatest and highest gift, which first came from God – His son. Therefore, let’s set aside the commercialised holiday of Christmas, that Western culture has deluged upon people, and turn attention to the supreme gift God has given the world.
The accounts of the birth stories in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, are very well known and the glorious theology of John’s prologue in his gospel is sheer beauty and are such wonderous gifts to us all. In addition, Paul in his letter to the Galations, succinctly records the good news of our greatest Christmas gift. In a short paragraph Paul sums up the theology, and beyond, of Christmas. It does us good to remember and remind ourselves exactly what that gift is.
‘But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.’ (Galatians 4:4-7 ESV)
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On a practical note, Roman rule had undertaken extensive road building aiding travel and of course the spread of the Greek language, spoken throughout the Empire, facilitated trade but more importantly made it possible to communicate the future good news of the gospel.
God ‘sent His son’; Paul clearly recognised the pre-existence of the Son. ‘Born of a woman…’ which acknowledges not only Jesus’ divinity but also his true humanity. Our Saviour was (and is) truly God and truly Man. ‘Born under the law to redeem those who were under the law’; our redemption required not only that Christ died for our sins, but that He lived a perfect, righteous life – to keep the law on our behalf something we cannot do because of the inheritance of the Adamic sin nature. But Jesus Christ made the way and His birth initiated God’s plan to save sinners.
‘For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.’ (1 Corinthians 15:21-22 ESV)
Surely this is gift enough. But no, Paul also states we are ‘adopted as sons’ – sons and daughters of The King. With sonship comes the right of inheritance. Ellicott’s (1971) bible commentary describes this as follows: ‘The admission of the believer into the Messianic Kingdom, with its immunities from sin and from law, implies an admission into the Messianic family, of which God is the Father and Christ the eldest Son – “first born among many brethren”. What an inheritance.
It doesn’t stop here though! Not only are we ‘redeemed’, ‘adopted’ but also ‘indwelt’ with the gift of the ‘Spirit of God into our hearts’ for which we have the assurance of the rich reality that God has made for his children. We can open our hearts and cry out to Him as our Father and know we are received with great tenderness and delight. We are no longer a slave to fear, anxiety and concern that sin entraps us in but with the assurance of everlasting life through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
What a gift! May this Christmas be a time when we remember the greatest gift of all. A gift that never disappoints and one that constantly fills our hearts with joy and thanksgiving.
Warmest greetings to everyone who reads this short message. May you all have a Christmas time that is peaceful, joyful and blessed as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given.
Author: Irene Cherrill
May God bless and enrich your life
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