Sunday 27 September 2015

The REAL Meaning of Christmas

Nothing gives me more joy than to take time out to say thank you to God, because the gift He's given me never wears out, never breaks, never gets old and will never end.

Autumn is upon us and one of the things I'm really thankful for as the season changes is seeing all the amazing colours on the trees as they start to change from green to the wonderful oranges, browns and all the other different shades of colour. Of course the down side to this time of year is that the dark nights are setting in, but the upside can only mean one thing...Christmas is just around the corner. 

What comes to mind when you hear the word 'Christmas?' When I hear people say ‘Christmas is almost here’, they often get long faces and think of all the money they're going to have to spend on presents, food and drink. Their minds go to last year when they were rushing around the shops not knowing what to get Aunt Gladys, and stressing as they watched the bank account falling fast to zero as the kids presents ran into the £100's for each one they bought. Then there's the stack of money they spent on food in the supermarkets as they had to stand in queue's that stretched the length and breadth of the shop with people's trollies filled to overflowing with items of food and drink, much of which will probably got thrown away. Then when Christmas Eve finally arrived there was the last minute panic shopping and the wrapping of the rest of the presents till 2am in the morning. Is this what Christmas is really all about? No!

The fact is that Christmas is something we should really be thankful for. Think about it this way; what if it's not about spending tons of money or eating too much food and drinking too much alcohol, or buying overly expensive presents that don't really satisfy for very long? What if it's actually about remembering and giving thanks to God, who so loved you that He gave His one and only Son so that if you believe in Him you will not perish but have everlasting life? What a great gift that is!! and it costs you nothing. It's been paid for, and all you have to do is receive it, and I can guarantee you if you do Christmas will never be the same again. I love Christmas, I love singing the Carols, I love getting together with friends and family, and when I receive a gift it's great to say thank you to the person who's given it to me. But nothing gives me more joy than to take time out to say thank you to God, because the gift He's given me never wears out, never breaks, never gets old and will never end. Knowing without any doubt that when I finally leave this earth I shall be with Him is amazing and can never be equalled by anything, because for me nothing this World has to offer can even come close to comparing to the surpassing greatness of just knowing Him, let alone having eternal life. You too could know this.

Psalm 150:6 Let everyone who has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God bless you.

Author: Kevin Hunt 

May God bless and enrich your life

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  1. AMEN and AMEN again. What a Blessing thank you. PS how did you know I had an aunt Glady,s? God Bless Tina

  2. Thank you for your Christmas article. I will have to refer back to this post in the coming weeks. It will help me when I start to stress out about gifts to get for everyone. Yes Jesus is the reason for the season. Thank you Kevin for all your articles you write.

  3. So true, Kevin, Jesus is the joy and wonder of Christmas! I enjoy all those other things, but I try to keep them at the level of enjoyment. God sheds many blessings on me this time of year: finding a gift I know that person will love, the happiness of receiving a gift given in love, and seeing family members who live far away to see often. All good things come from God, His Son being the best and brightest!

  4. Amen! This holiday is for worshiping HIM!

  5. Beautiful reminder to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Blessings to you!
