Sunday 10 September 2017

Equipping ourselves for the life to which we have been called

If we want to effect change in our own lives as well as in the lives of others we must equip ourselves for the life to which we have been called. God desires a relationship with us. Whilst we could just learn bible scriptures, it is far more effective when they slip into our hearts and we actually live them out.

Source: PInterest
As I sit down to write this blog I cannot begin to count the blessings God has poured down on me. Does this mean that my sea has been like a mill pond with no crashing waves to unsettle, disturb or distract me?  Absolutely not. In fact, some days the only unchanging thing has been God’s love for me. His love is not dependant on how small and insignificant I feel, how much better I could have resolved an issue, how I missed the prompting of the Holy Spirit due to my busyness and chose to pretend I didn't hear. God’s love is constant always and in all situations in my life.

The real key for me is to be determined every day to do my very best for Him, not because I should but because I desire to. Anybody who knows me well will know that I run full pelt at everything and find myself exhausted. However just under a year ago as I was getting out of bed I felt my nose was dripping and when I put my hand up I realised it was a nose bleed. I had never had one before and I couldn't get it to stop. Eventually it slowed down but then an hour later it started again and poured of blood for approximately an hour. I really don't like the sight of blood, that is either mine, or anyone else's so all I could do was pray it would stop and ask God to grant me His peace. Psalm 29:11 ‘The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace’. In fact, I got to the point of wondering just how many pints of blood you could lose before you dropped down dead! For the next week, the nose bleeds continued. We went to the doctors who sent me to the Accident & Emergency Department of our local hospital.  As they had no spare beds they couldn't admit me but eventually cauterised the nose bleed on the ward (a minor procedure to seal the bleeding blood vessel by cauterising (burning) it)

Source: St. Paul's Lutheran Church
I was told that because my blood pressure was 198/100 they didn't know how I hadn't passed out. However, during this time when I was told to take it easy, God quite clearly told me to slow down and that what I could not get done today I could do tomorrow!! Quite a revelation to me! I suddenly remembered after thirty-five years of being a Christian that we can sometimes be too busy. It may be God’s work but it’s not always His will!! Romans 12:2 ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will’. The part that really struck me about this scripture is where we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Praise God.

In the middle of my morning prayers, quiet time or bible study, if the phone rang I would have previously answered it, which I realised was stealing God’s time. Now I determine not to answer calls until I have finished my quiet time unless I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to do so. Something as small as this can make or break the start of our day.  If we want to effect change in our own lives as well as in the lives of others we must equip ourselves for the life to which we have been called. God desires a relationship with us. Whilst we could just learn bible scriptures, it is far more effective when they slip into our hearts and we actually live them out.  James 1:22 ‘But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves’ (KJV).

My parting words are these, do not live on past regrets and failures which will cripple us as Christians, but allow God to show you just how great and real He is by simply asking for his forgiveness and just see what you and God can do together.

Every blessing to you.

Author:Lyn Hunt

May God bless and enrich your life

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  1. Thank you dear sister in Christ Jesus. The scripture that came to my mind when reading this blog was to "be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46 v10.

    I really loved reading the part when you decided to not allow ANY interruptions to come before your time with God.

    I pray as the body of Christ will learn from this Blog to never allow ANYTHING to come before our God. God You are our everything and everything we have is yours.

    Abba Father you would NEVER put us on hold for anything.

    I ask myself this question "What in this world could be urgent enough to be distracted from worshiping my God?"
    ALL the Glory to God ALWAYS

  2. The world is constantly moving at a hundred miles an hour and there are so many distractions however the article shows us that we should never let this get in the way of our relationship with God. 'We can be transformed by the renewing of our minds' Amen. Let us protect and refresh our minds at all times so that we can affect positive change in our lives and let Jesus more and more into our hearts each day. God bless

  3. thank you for the clear message in this Article that encourages us to be the best person we can for our Father God . This life is over in the blink of an eye? ,God is using this time we have been given on Earth to prepare us for Eternity , the next life is when it all begins , we are only passing through this world ? . God will change us from glory to glory on that narrow path we must choose to journey on? with him PRAYER
    thank you God for the beautiful light of JESUS , that helps us to grow and see as you do , we will live with our heads held high, being the best me I can be for your Glory AMEN

  4. Jesus is our lighthouse and He will guide us in all situations so we need to keep our eyes fixed on Him and not let the distractions of this world pull our attention away from Him. The part of this article concerning the loss of blood reminds me of how much blood Jesus shed for us and how far He was willing to go for us. Great blog, thank you so much for taking the time to write it and bless us.
