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Source: TeeShirtPalace |
In 2 Timothy 2:3 when referring to suffering the Apostle Paul was talking about it as a reflection of the hardship that he had endured throughout his life for the sake of the Gospel. Many commentaries tell us that Timothy was naturally timid and easily discouraged and Paul wrote this letter of encouragement to tell Timothy to 'stay strong'. How many of us regularly need to hear that message? Paul was trying to say that if we truly live for Christ then suffering is a normal part of the Christian life and he later goes on to emphasize the rewards.
Anyone who knows Jesus is automatically drafted into the army the moment they give their heart to the Lord and whether we choose to fight or not, we are in the army. God wants the soldiers in His army to be active soldiers, He wants all of us to contribute, so when we read the words from 2 Timothy 2:3 'Join me in suffering', we are also being challenged to ‘join in sacrifice’ and no matter what the consequences to stand by Jesus’s side even if it means suffering, ridicule or persecution. It's fair to say, we aren't going to suffer if we stay in the background, but what impact is Christ's army going to have if we all do that? Even though we know we will win the ultimate battle; Proverbs 21:32 ‘The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD’, we are still likely to be defeated in our earthly battles if we are not alert and ready to play our part in the army. So, let us not be lazy soldiers, let us not be missing in action, let us not be complacent, let us not be deserters (back sliders), instead, let us take our place in the ranks of the army and stand on God's Word, with God's Authority and with God's Protection because we need to acknowledge that we always are on the battleground.
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Source: PInterest |
The greatest warriors fight on their knees before they try to stand on their feet. Consequently, the greatest weapons needed for our battles can be found on our knees. We need to pray and seek the Lord and hand it all over to Him rather than running blindly into battle with our own earthly weapons. We need to spend more time on our knees waging war with the spiritual weapons that God has made available for us. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 'For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds’. Therefore, the weapons of a Christian Solider are not guns, artillery etc, they are not harsh words or slander, they are not raised voices or tit for tat, these are worldly weapons. Our weapons are spiritual. Our weapons are the manifestation of Christ in us, because without the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony, there is no Victory. Isaiah 54:17 tells us 'no weapon forged against you will prevail' - this is because the Lord is fighting our battles and the spiritual weapons that He gives us are far more powerful than anything that the world could throw at us. We can stand on the rock and say (as in the worship song below); ‘I will not be moved, and we can say of the Lord, you are my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer, my Shelter, Strong Tower, my very present help in times of need’.
As Christians we are not immune to the struggles and troubles of this World, however if we go through these trials and battles using our spiritual weapons rather than deal with them in a worldly manner then non-believers will have the opportunity to see the presence of God in our lives. They will see the one who walks with us in our trial and the one who keeps us where nobody else could, the one who preserves us when we should be perishing because of the circumstances around us. Do you think that maybe the only way people will see Jesus in this world is to see us going through what they know they could not go through themselves? They see a difference in us than those of the world. If we are not prepared to get on the battleground, if we shy away from the difficulties and trials in our lives then all the world will see is the world looking back at them, they will see nothing different. But we are Soldiers in the Heavenly army! We are royal warriors, we are in the army of the God!!!!!! We have an inner power of God that they do not have. Let Christ within us become visible if we will trust and obey Him.
We live in a generation where many do not inquire of the Lord and do not read their bible and will not listen to what we have to say but they will see a strength in us as we go through our trials, a strength that they will not have for themselves and that will draw their attention, seeing that we have something different, something that they will start to want for themselves. Therefore, it is so important for us to win those battles/trials that we are in now, to win those victories. We must stand firm. We must not let our battles defeat us, we are Soldiers in the Army of God! God does not give any assurances that the life of a Christian soldier will be easy but let us focus on the victory that has already been won rather than the battle. Take comfort in the fact that the battle is temporary, but the victory is eternal. Praise God.
To conclude; below is a poem by an unknown author which captures the essence of being a Solider in the Army of God. Be blessed.
I am a Solider (Unknown Author)
I am a soldier in the army of my God.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer.
The Holy Scripture is my code of conduct.
Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of warfare.
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity and tested by fire.
I am a volunteer in this army, and I am enlisted for eternity.
I will not get out, sell out, be talked out or pushed out.
I am faithful, reliable, capable and dependable.
If my God needs me, I am there. I am a soldier.
I am not a baby. I do not need to be pampered, petted,
primed up, pumped up, picked up, or pepped up. I am a soldier.
No one has to call me, remind me, write me, visit me,
entice me or lure me.
I am a soldier. I am not a wimp. I am in place, saluting my King, obeying His orders, praising His name and building His kingdom!
No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards or candy, or give me handouts. I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for or catered to.
I am committed. I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around. I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside. I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.
When Jesus called me into this army, I had nothing. If I end up with nothing, I will still come out ahead. I will win. My God has and will continue to supply all of my needs.
I am more than a conqueror. I will always triumph. I can do all things through Christ. The devil cannot defeat me. People cannot disillusion me. Weather cannot weary me. Sickness cannot stop me. Battles cannot beat me. Money cannot buy me. Governments cannot silence me, and hell cannot handle me. I am a soldier.
Even death cannot destroy me. For when my Commander calls me from His battlefield, He will promote me to captain and then allow me to rule with Him.
I am a soldier in the army, and I’m marching claiming victory. I will not give up. I will not turn around. I am a soldier, marching heaven-bound.
Here I Stand! Will you stand with me?
Author: Anonymous
May God bless and enrich your life
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ReplyDelete"but if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life" Rev 2-10.
God Almighty You are the potter and we are the clay, we are here for one purpose only, to bring Glory to your name and to wait patiently in obedience for the return of our Lord and saviour.
Holy Spirit strengthen us we pray and set our faces like flint so that we will pledge our allegiance to Jesus Christ our Lord WHATEVER the cost we pray Amen.
God Bless
Thank you for this blog today . It certainly reminds us we are in a battle .The moment Salvation has come to us through Jesus Christ we have surrendered our lives to Him . The reason we put on the Armour of God as scripture strongly advises us to in EPHESIANS 6:10-18 is because we are in a battle and if we stay close to our Lord seek his WILL for our lives and stay in it ,victory is our inheritance? after all his will is better than our will is it not? but the battles require pain at times we must be ready or prepared for those times . PHILIPPIANS 3: 10--that i will know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering , Being conformed to His death .AMEN we must apply this to our lives?
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. We have all that we need to fight the battle we're in, including each other. With Jesus in each of us when we come together what a powerful and formidable army we make. We just need to stand strong in our faith and trust in God and His unfailing love. I loved the poem at the end too. Thank you and God bless.
ReplyDeleteFantastic blog today which reminds us we are enlisted in the army of our God and we are to be in obedience to his command as we do that we have the victory may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all Amen