Many people might offer a kiss and a cuddle to the cute baby in a manger, but may be less keen to give homage to the King Jesus when He returns.
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Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way,
for His wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in Him. (Psalm 2:10-12)
A kiss is a demonstration of affection, but can also be an act of reverence and submission. In the ancient middle east a kiss could ratify a covenant or seal an agreement. It could also be a sign of subjection, respect and allegiance, as is a vassal/suzerain relationship, in which loyalty and service by the lesser partner was given in return for protection and security by the greater.
Many people might offer a kiss and a cuddle to the cute baby in a manger, but may be less keen to give homage to the King Jesus when He returns. He is the Faithful and True, whose eyes are flaming fire and who comes with righteousness and justice to make war on His enemies; the One who will strike down nations and rule with a rod of iron. (Revelation ch.19) This is the Son, whose anger will one day spill over into wrath against those whose hearts are not yielded to Him, yet whose blessing is granted to those who run to Him for protection.
This is the Advent of Jesus, predicted by David the psalmist, king, and ancestor of the King of kings. His first advent began meekly. He taught, suffered, died, was raised and returned to heaven. In his second advent He will come with infinite power and authority to rescue the righteous and condemn the wicked. The Hebrew idiom for his anger is a 'burning nose' which in turn will burn all who refuse reverence and submission to the Son.
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Returning to the context of the Psalm, we find that though the message is for all people it is particularly directed at people in power. Rulers of the earth are warned to serve the Lord. Throughout history many arrogant and aggressive rulers have come and gone, and those who strut and dictate today will be no different. God is setting up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, and will break in pieces all other kingdoms and bring them to an end, and this Kingdom will stand forever. (Daniel ch.2)
We should fear the Lord, not with fright that makes us flee but with reverence that seeks sanctuary in Him. All who take refuge in God's Kingdom are blessed forever.
May God bless and enrich your life
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