Sunday, 4 September 2022

Bereitet den Weg des Herrn

We all have a unique calling of God, let us be found every day in fulfilling that call
In 2019 I began to learn German, initially so that I could be of some encouragement (perhaps amusement) for my grandson. After a time of learning together, the time came at his school to choose GCSE options and he dropped German! However, grandpa was enjoying his German lessons and has continued to try the patience of his proficient teacher. Some of you will know enough German to read and understand the opening statement, but the English translation is found in Mark’s Gospel chapter 1 verse 3. Of course, you can copy and paste it into google translator where it will read it aloud as well as translate – very useful for homework!

The German language has not changed significantly over the 500 years since Luther worked on his translation, here is the same statement, courtesy of, from the 1545 Luther Bibel: ‘Bereitet den Weg des HERRN.’ The use of the capital letters: HERRN, reminds us that the gospel writer is quoting a passage from Isaiah chapter 40 where the word LORD is in capitals, signifying that this is the Hebrew word often transliterated as Yahweh. The Lord God himself was coming! A bible commentary (NIV) on this Isaiah passage reads: ‘the language has in view the ancient Near-Eastern custom of sending representatives ahead to prepare the way for the visit of a monarch. The picture is that of preparing a processional highway for the Lord’s coming to Jerusalem.’
The voice crying out these words: ‘Prepare the way for the Lord’ was that of John the Baptist. We read in Luke’s gospel, chapter 1, about the close relationship between the mothers of John and of Jesus. In particular, I want to remind you of that remarkable greeting between these two pregnant ladies, Elizabeth and Mary. We read that baby John jumped in his mother’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. Surely, the Spirit of the Lord was on baby John. He grew up and was educated in the house of a humble, righteous priest. We will not speculate about any further interactions with Jesus as they grew up. However by the time he was 30 and would normally have been accepted as a working priest at the temple, he was carrying out his unique ministry in the desert region by the river Jordan. 

All the gospels record that John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Many people both from the countryside and the city of Jerusalem went out to him. Those who were genuine about confessing their sin and determined to lead a more righteous life, he would publically baptise in the Jordan. The Jewish people knew about baptism, but it had only been for gentiles who wanted to become Jewish converts. This was new teaching to them. John continued to warn and prepare the people, this is his message in Mark 1: ‘After me will come one more powerful than I, the throngs of whose sandals I am not further to stoop down and untie. I baptise you with water but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’ 

So, let us who know the living Lord Jesus, continue to live our lives being led by the Holy Spirit. We all have a unique calling of God, let us be found every day in fulfilling that call. And let our prayer be that of the early church who spoke in Aramaic: ‘Marana tha’ or ‘Come O Lord’ or ‘Unser Herr kommt’

Author: Richard Windridge

May God bless and enrich your life

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